Find in this powerful Cast Store all Chromecast Apps!Are you using Chromecast by Google?Youll find with this app an overview about all Chromecast comp
Find in this powerful Cast Store all Chromecast Apps!
Are you using Chromecast by Google?
You'll find with this app an overview about all Chromecast compatible Apps in the Play Store.
- see which app is FREE, FREEMIUM or has a price (US$)
- sort apps by adding time, name, rating and price
- add apps to a favourite list
- see which app is already installed on your device
- be up-to-date with the news-feed
- see how many apps have every category
- see ratingbar for every app
Please contact me under [email protected] if you want a app or other content removed.
- Internet: to get the data from my server and from google
- write/read storage: cache the appicons
- Billing: to remove the ads in the app with in-app-puchases
This App doesn't have anything to do with the Play Store from Google. All listed apps, app-logos and other information are property of Google and/or the developer.